Advent is coming!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
            A new Church year is almost upon us. Advent begins this Sunday. The collect for the First Sunday in Advent begins “Almighty God give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light.” Good words to hear as we enter the time of decreasing daylight as we move toward the Winter solstice. They are also a good reminder of where our spiritual focus should be in the coming weeks.
            It is all too easy to be distracted by the whims of a society that is in love with the season but refuses to follow the teaching of the Savior. Green beans and toilet articles may seem dull compared to the thrill of Cyber Monday or sales at the mall, but they are the stuff of salvation.
            Advent reminds us of the nitty gritty of the Christian life. We are called to prepare, to “keep awake!” as the Gospel reading from this Sunday tells us. We are called to a life of service, to a life lived for Jesus the Christ.
            So consider keeping a holy Advent season. Read the assigned lectionary readings for Advent at and meditate on them. You will find them rich in symbolism and urgent in tone. Join us for worship on Sunday mornings and feel the mystery embedded in the liturgy. And yes, keep those green beans and toiletries coming.


“Almighty God give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light.”
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