
Dear St. Christopher's Family,

This is a very busy time, no doubt about it. Many are preparing to travel to spend Christmas with family or friends while others are getting ready for the arrival of welcome guests. 

I would invite you, however, no matter whether you will be in town or out, to attend a service of worship on Christmas. And when you go, bring along with you family members, friends, and neighbors. It is that time of year when people are particularly open to an invitation to attend church. There's something about hearing that story about an innocent baby born in a manger that attracts people, and offers them hope and solace in a world full of uncertainty and hard edges. 

So, don't be shy or reserved. Invite people to come sing carols, to enjoy the beauty of a well-decorated church, and to hear that wonder-filled story of God's unconditional love for the world made manifest in a baby named Jesus.

Wishing each of you a holy and blessed Christmas,

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