The Triduum

 This Thursday evening begins what is known as the Triduum. Meaning "three days", the
Triduum is the summit of the Church year, taking place from the evening of Maundy
Thursday to the evening that begins Easter Sunday. Though chronologically three
days, they are liturgically one observance unfolding for us the unity of Christ's
Paschal Mystery. The celebration of the Triduum marks the end of the Lenten season,
and culminates with the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord at the Easter
Vigil. Music that has been heard in this observance for centuries complements more
modern expressions of the agony of the Passion and the joy of the Resurrection.
This is the Paschal Mystery, and it takes three days of listening, praying, eating,
washing, and waiting to even begin to enter into what it means for us.
During this three days, we pass over with Christ from death to life, celebrating
each event in the drama of salvation and entering into the mystery of dying and
rising again with the Lord of life

It is sacramental.

It is mystical.

It is transformative.

Come and be part of this most holy time. We begin on Thursday at 7:00pm with the Maundy Thursday Eucharist.. Everyone is welcome.


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