Ministry Opportunities

Dear All,

     The celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is the center point of the life of any Episcopal community. We strive to celebrate Sunday Eucharist as best as possible, and to do that we need lots of help. In addition to maintaining our beautiful worship space, we need people to assist in the various ministries on Sunday: greeters, lectors, and Eucharistic ministers. I invite you to ponder whether you can assist us in one of these ministries.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion (LEMs) 

     Lay ministers of holy communion assist at the Eucharist. A formal training program is provided. Some LEMs can, if they wish, be trained additionally to bring the sacrament to the sick and shut-ins of the parish.

Ministers of the Word (Lectors)

     Lectors are involved with the Liturgy of the Word. The Liturgy of the Word is an essential component of the Eucharistic liturgy. The ministry of lector is to proclaim the word of God in the assembly of the people. We offer a formal training program for lectors.

Greeters and Ushers

     Greeters and ushers are a group of dedicated men and women of all ages. Greeters faithfully welcome our parishioners and visitors as they arrive for the Sunday service. Ushers are also responsible for taking up the collection during the liturgy.

     If you are interested in any of these ministries, please contact the Rector. Training sessions for each ministry will be held in late August or early September.


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