Growing In Faith Together - 2019 Stewardship Campaign

You must each decide in your heart how much to give…

You must each decide in your heart how much to give…

Dear friends of St. Christopher’s,

January will mark the beginning of a new fiscal year, and that means a new budget must be prepared. Last year we asked you to “find your gift.” Now we are launching a new stewardship campaign, Growing In Faith Together (GIFT.)

This is a year of new beginnings for our parish.

We can embrace our new beginnings and grow our faith by giving freely of our Time, Talent, and Treasure in thankfulness to God. We are thankful to have the Reverend Shirley Porter as our new rector. More opportunities to Grow In Faith Together are on our horizon. Let’s watch for them and nurture them together.

New beginnings and growth are both exciting and scary. We have recently experienced a new beginning and new growth with our Path To Shine program. The program had a chance for a new beginning when we moved it to a new location and changed the day of the week. Our volunteers were already giving of their time and talents, but as they assembled at the new location for the first time they were nervous. Would any children show up? Would they like us?

Then the exciting part happened.

Nine kids showed up, and the volunteers had a great time working with them. Now that was exciting.

Stewardship drives can be scary too. Will members return their pledge cards? Will enough money be pledged so we can put together a workable budget and fulfill the ministries of our congregation? Stewardship drives become exciting when members do return their pledge cards — and show how much they love our church and want St. Christopher’s to continue ministering to its members, the local community, and beyond.

Take a moment to think about what St. Christopher’s means to you. Will you return your pledge card by Sunday, November 24th and give generously of your time, talent, and treasure? Help us Grow In Faith Together!

Stewardship Committee
Pella Murphy and Margaret Rodeheaver

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