Church-Wide Yard Sale Aug. 6-7

Yard Sale Aug 6-7 8 am - 6 pm.jpg

Do you have useful items that are taking up space in your house, attic, garage, shed,  storage unit, etc.?

GOOD NEWS… St. Christopher’s is having a YARD SALE the weekend of August 6-7, 2021, from 8 am to 6 pm each day.

All proceeds (money) to be donated to St. Christopher’s.

Tables will be set up in front of the church. Come run your own table or drop off items by Thursday, August 4th. 

Bring your friends and come shop the sale Friday and Saturday.

AGAIN, ALL PROCEEDS (money earned via the sale) will go to St. Christopher’s to help keep the doors open.

Questions? Please contact: Tom Wukasinovich (Junior Warden) at 478-218-2712, or by email:

Thanks in advance for your participation.

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