Holy Eucharist and Rector's Farewell Sept. 12


Holy and gracious Father: In your infinite love you made us for yourself; and, when we had fallen into sin and become subject to evil and death, you, in your mercy, sent Jesus Christ, your only and eternal Son, to share our human nature, to live and die as one of us, to reconcile us to you, the God and Father of all.

The service of Holy Eucharist is offered at 10 a.m. The Rev. Canon John Bolton will officiate.

A reception will follow the service as we bid farewell to our rector, the Rev. Shirley Porter. Please join us.

View or download a complete service booklet here.

View a service leaflet here (for use with prayer book and hymnal.)

This service will be broadcast on Facebook Live. Visit our Facebook page.

Rev. Porter’s farewell remarks:

September 9, 2021 

Dearly beloved of St. Christopher’s at the Crossroads: 

As most of you know, Sunday, September 12, 2021 will be my last Sunday as your rector. It has been difficult for me to write a few lines of farewell, so instead I am sending this as an “until we meet again” letter. 

Farewell seems such a final word, as if all things stop when a departure day arrives. But that will not be the case at this church at the Crossroads. We are at the Crossroads as a church as well as individuals on our journey to be about building the Kingdom of God. 

I will go down one road that will lead me to new work in the next ministry that God has set aside for me.  You will travel down other roads where you will use the positive skills already practiced and some of the new ones you have learned as you lived through Covid-19 and its variants. 

Needless to say, church will never again be like it was before Covid-19. We all may be wearing masks for a long while yet, and hand sanitizer will be a staple in homes and churches for the distant future. 

Over the last two years, St. Christopher’s marched on through various challenges making an impact in the community of Perry, no matter what life was about at the time. We helped the marginalized and the homeless with food, gas and housing. When we re-opened, two quilter’s groups and one sewing circle returned to using our space on Thursdays and Saturdays. Morning Prayer continued outside and then inside on Thursdays. Church services were pre-recorded to ensure there was always a service available on Sunday mornings.  

Throughout our time together, I will remember the laughter as well as the times of sorrow. I will remember the times we worked together as a family of Christ the most.

Many thanks to those who showed unfaltering support towards myself and St. Christopher’s at the Crossroads. 

Be assured that each of you are God’s Beloved, for the rest of your days, no matter what comes your way. Go in peace to love and serve God and each other, until we meet again. 

The Rev. Shirley Porter, Rector

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