Fall Happenings

Dear Friends,
        September is almost here and with it comes the resumption of many of our activities that were suspended for the summer. The prayer shawl group is getting ready to crochet and knit again, and the quilters of Perry are sewing away on Saturday mornings. Our Path to Shine program is also about to gear up for another year of ministry. The programs listed are open to everyone. All are welcome.
        On Wednesday evenings beginning on September 6th after the 6 p.m. Eucharist and healing service, our Christian formation time returns. We will be examining various famous figures of faith, including the Apostle Paul, Thomas Aquinas, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Saint Bridget, and others who have been important in the history and life of the Church.
A new opportunity for Christian formation will be offered on Thursday mornings. There has been a request for a Bible study class so, beginning on September 14th at 10:30 a.m. a study group will meet to study the Gospel of John. More details about this class will be forthcoming soon.
        Starting on October 15th at 8:45 a.m. there will be an Inquirers' Class to prepare those who wish to be received, confirmed, or baptized into the Episcopal Church. Anyone who just wishes to learn more about all things Episcopal is welcome to join in. Coffee and suitable edibles provided!
        In October we will once again, after a rather long hiatus, resume Sunday afternoon Second Sunday Cinema. We will see a movie at the home of the Chamberlains, enjoy some refreshments, and then discuss what we saw in relation to faith issues. Our first movie is slated to be "Hidden Figures." More details will be posted soon.
        Also, look for Messy Church to start back up at the end of September. This is a fun and formational time for our youngest members. It is held once a month on a Saturday afternoon, and involves crafts, Bible story time, a child-centered Eucharist, and a simple shared meal. Look for an email giving the date of our next meeting.
        Add to all the above the monthly meeting of the Daughters of the King and the ongoing vibrant ministry of Attic Treasures and you have an idea of how active life is at St. Christopher's. So please come and be a part of this, as all is done for the glory of God and for the building-up of His Church and His people. And if you are already involved in the life of the parish, pass on the good things that are happening here and invite someone to attend church with you. 80% of those who join a church do so because they were invited to attend by someone they knew.

Peace and blessings,

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