Blessing of the Pets, Sock Collection, and more

Please pray for those who suffered during the recent hurricane, and consider donating to one of the relief organizations listed in Mother Lorna’s email on “Hurricane Relief.” Didn’t get the email? Fill out the form on our home page, and ask to be added to the email list.


Calling all pet-owners! The annual Blessing of the Pets takes place this Sunday October 14 at 4 p.m. Invite your friends to enjoy the event and meet all the pets. To make sure it remains fun for all, bring a leash or crate for Fido and Fluffy in case they get overly excited around others. And you know how important your pet is to you; please consider bringing along a bag of dog or cat chow to be donated to our local animal shelter.


And speaking of donations, October is sock-collection month! Colder days are ahead, and your sock donation will help keep an adult or child warm and comfortable this winter. Please drop off packages of socks in the collection basket in the narthex. Thank you!

Margaret Rodeheaver