Join us as we remember departed loved ones in prayer and music. 'God our Father, you know our thoughts and share out sorrows. Lead us out of desolation to the caring comfort of your love.'
Read MoreWant to know more about the Episcopal Church and its traditions and beliefs? Inquirers Class will begin Sunday November 12th at 8:45. This is an informal, discussion based class, so all are welcome! We’ll even provide the coffee.
Read MoreJoin us Sunday November 5th for our All Saints celebration as we remember loved ones who have died, especially those who have recently passed on.
Read MoreWe live in fear-filled times. We are anxious about many things. It is so easy to forget that we are called to be a people of hope -- that as Christians we are called to overcome the fear that leads to hate.
Read MoreWednesday evening Christian formation, Thursday morning Bible study, Sunday morning Inquirers' class, Second Sunday Cinema, Messy Church -- all this and more, coming your way this fall at St. Christopher's.
Read MoreMany of us have been watching the awful scenes in Texas: so much damage to so many homes and businesses causing a huge amount of disruption and misery as the flooding continues.
There are several ways you can help.
Read MoreThe past few Christmas seasons the parish has supported the shoe box/angel tree ministry for the Salvation Army emergency shelter. This year we will somewhat modify that outreach effort.
Read MoreAugust is here and for many that means the start of a new school year. This is a good time to pray for all children and teachers. The BCP has two suitable prayers you might wish to consider.
Read MorePath to Shine Week of Summer Fun has been set for July 17 - 21, Monday - Friday 4 - 6 p.m. Plan to come, and bring your friends.
Read MoreFifteen artists displayed over 60 artworks in the June Art Show at St. Christopher's
Read MoreThis Thursday evening (April 13) begins what is known as the Triduum. Meaning "three days", the Triduum is the summit of the Church year, taking place from the evening of Maundy Thursday to the evening that begins Easter Sunday.
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